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“None! Because ice cream doesn’t have bones!
Joe Biden - Posted to Facebook —
“Indeed that thing upon our neck was not created decoratively, and in using our heads with our hearts, must also use our eyes, and set them clearly, not upon one healing mechanism, not upon one prevention, but upon all those connective dots that can allow future generations the possibility of a freedom including peace and safety.”
— Sean Penn, “Breached Piñatas” on the Huffington Post site
- Science Channel —
- Washington Examiner — Pennsylvania Republican introduces bill requiring permit to purchase ammunition by Andrew Mark Miller
- The Human Chronicles Saga, Book 1: The Fringe Worlds by T. R. (Tom) Harris
- New Mexico Political Journal [NMPJ] — The Republican State Convention, A Comprehensive Report: Successes, Failures, Surprises, and the Expected. A Review of Speeches and Performances.
- Vice — The Universe
- KUPT 29 TV [Heroes & Icons (H&I) affiliate for Albuquerque, New Mexico] —
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