Today in history
- Posted to Slack —
I hereby offer a competing plan:
Wait until the State of the State speech, when all of the legislators, cabinet members, governor and lieutenant governor, etc., are on the floor of the State House (or is it State Senate).
When they’re all in there, board up all of the exterior doors and windows (including the service entrances), so that they’re all trapped inside the building.
Make sure that the only ones you let out are the State Police, the janitors and cafeteria staff.
Then connect the internal closed-circuit camera (CCTV) system and its servers to pay-per-view cable, satellite and streaming TV.
At some point, the vending machines, cafeteria and their personal stashes will be depleted, at which point, the fun begins . . . .
If you want, you could toss a candy bar or bag of chips into the building through a roof hatch — PRODUCT PLACEMENT!
- Posted to Facebook here and here —
Issue 1,186 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,186, December 11, 2022
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: I don’t have to attend every argument I’m invited to. — W. C. Fields
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: Some libertarian alternatives
Note: There will be no December 25th issue. Publication will resume on January 1.
A Request for Help
Jim Davidson, a long-time contributor to TLE, is currently awaiting trial on extended traffic related charges. See his early October article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] (https://ncc-1776.org/tle2022/tle1176-20221002-05.html). Since then he has retained an attorney. The attorney usually charges $2,000 to start; there may be more, possibly $10,000.
Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.
Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.
Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to counsel.
Thank you
Yours in Liberty,
Rylla and Cathy Smith Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor from
2. Smart Guns are for Stupid People, by L. Neil Smith
3. Conspiracy Quotes Part 1, by D. McKenzie Smith
4. Fond Memories of High School, by Sean Gangol
5. How Microschool Networks Are Activating Education Entrepreneurs, by Kerry McDonald
- Interesting Engineering [IE] — Innovation: Two Starlink RV users test it out by logging on in the middle of a forest by Chris Young
- GALACTICA MEETS GALACTICA . . . [YouTube] from “ken mayes”
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Met with some from the FLPNM tonight for a holiday-season party.
- I walked 3,277 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Facebook —
Snipes, Sudoku, Free Cell, Tetris
- Posted to Facebook —
Free everything for everyone, to be paid for by taxing the resident billionaires. And 1,000 bucks an hour for minimum wage. Let’s do it!
- Posted to Facebook here, here, and here —
Here’s a better deal — https://libreoffice.org
- 2000 Mules — Infogalactic / Wikipedia
- Fancy 4 Talk — The Stealth Fighter You’ve Never Heard Of Is The F-19
- Santa Fe Reporter [SFR] — News: A Shot in the Dark by Andrew Oxford
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Met with one other of the “Old Drunken Old Irrvelivents” [Facebook, Spreely], at the Frontier Restaurant [2400 Central SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico] — we discussed the current [improving] state of affairs of both of the FLPNM and the LPNM Mises Caucus, and possible corrective measures.
- I walked 2,311 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Facebook —
Small-l libertarians are people who do their best stick to the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) in their personal behavior, advocate for the NAP, etc.
Big-L Libertarians are people who have a membership card from the LNC or a state affiliate of same.
My gripe is that there are quite a few Big-L types who seem to think that the NAP is either a big joke, or a marketing gimmick that can be tossed aside when it becomes inconvenient.
My preference is that those Big-L types with public speaking roles (candidates, officers, etc.) be small-l libertarians before being put into public speaking roles.
- Posted to Facebook —
From the article (last paragraph) —
“Libertarians need to decide which side of the gap they are going to end up on with these issues. Extreme government overreach is a major problem in this country, yet losing track of the morality of the country in the name of radical individualism is just as dangerous.”
It seems to me that the author is saying “If you’re not with me, as in explicitly on my side, you’re against me.”
- Posted to Facebook —
In 2016, Johnson just about completely blew off the NAP, and Mr Bill the Original Weldist displayed (to me, at least) ZERO evidence that he cared about the NAP in the slightest. So neither one of them qualified as a small-l libertarian, by the standard I specified above.
- Posted to Facebook —
Except that Prohibition wasn’t fully ended, as after it was “repealed,” alcohol that wasn’t sanctioned by the Political Classholes (“licensed,” “taxed,” etc.) was (and still is) “illegal.”
“Bootlegging” is still listed as a “felony”-level offense in the New Mexico Statutes Annotated (under Chapter 66, I think — will have to look it up later).
And now marijuana is also “legal” (if sanctioned by the Political Classholes).
- Posted to Twitter —
This coming from a guy who swore to support and uphold that Constitution (and signed a written copy of that oath!) and is always ready and willing to use that Constitution as his personal Charmin roll (especially the #2a Second Amendment) when it suits him.
- CNSNews from the Media Research Center [MRC] — Commentary: The Growing Libertarian / Conservative Divide by Moshe Hill
- Adult Swim [as] — NEW: Handbanana’s Demise | Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Aquadonk Side Pieces | adult swim [YouTube]
- Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Supreme Court’s Decision Backs Magazine Ban & Purchase Permit Into A Corner ! ! ! [YouTube]
- Dark Tech — America’s Missile Weapons Shield [YouTube]
- Hazegrayart — Soviet Moon Landing an Alternative History [YouTube]
- Project Veritas — Traffickers Exploit Illegal Child Labor With Social Security Fraud; Minor Forced to Pay Back ‘Debt’ [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — HUGE NEWS! Judge Benitez Rules Against California . . . AGAIN ! ! ! [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) — Star Trek: Enterprise
- Blood and Water: Sabotaging Hitler’s Bomb by Dan Kurzman
- I walked 32,472 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Facebook here and here —
Issue 1,185 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,185, December 4, 2022
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt the Younger
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: CNN: Elon Musk could threaten free speech by literally allowing people to speak freely.
A Request for Help
Jim Davidson, a long-time contributor to TLE, is currently awaiting trial on extended traffic related charges. See his early October article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] (https://ncc-1776.org/tle2022/tle1176-20221002-05.html). Since then he has retained an attorney. The attorney usually charges $2,000 to start; there may be more, possibly $10,000.
Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.
Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.
Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to counsel.
Thank you
Yours in Liberty,
Rylla and Cathy Smith Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor from Jeff Fullerton, Albert Perez
2. Supreme Court, You’re Fired! by L. Neil Smith
3. What Can You Learn About “The Green New Deal” from Thanksgiving? by L. Reichard White
4. Book Review: Reckoning, W. Michael Gear, by Charles Curley
Note: There will be no December 25th issue. Publication will resume on January 1.
- Posted to Facebook here and here —
I’m not mentioning any names, but I’m gonna take care of those who take their time to read this post. Please, in memory of someone who died or fought cancer or is fighting cancer copy and paste then write DONE! This has a very special meaning for me today! DONE!
At the request of a friend I copied and pasted this. It resonates with me, as well. A good many of my FB friends offered prayers and good thoughts and positive energy when I had a friend diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and he subsequently passed away. I offer those same thoughts and positive energy for anyone else in similar circumstances.
- The Daily Resister — Criminal Trespass & Drinking in Public – Kevin James Barton – Coos Bay, OR – 12/3/2022 [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — ATTENTION! This Assault Weapons Ban Has The Votes [YouTube]
- Dark Skies — The Most Delicate Killer – Nakajima Ki-43 [YouTube]
- The Angry Astronaut by Jordan Wright — NASA puts $57 MILLION down on a Moon City for Lunar Starship! [YouTube]
- Active Self Protection [ASP] — Open Carrier Targeted and Shot At For His Pistol [YouTube]
- I walked 20,197 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Discord —
@Devin Rivera (NM) @Deborah Beatty (NM) @Nathan Shocklee (NM) @Tyler Askin (NM)
Is there a subsection of this Discord server that’s specific to New Mexico? I don’t see anything for just us on the right-hand sidebar.
I’d rather avoid having to keep scrolling past the stuff from other states.
- Posted to Slack —
I edited the LPNM newsletter from August 2003 (4 pages — https://mikewb1971.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/nml-2003-0708.pdf) til about 2013 (production from 2010 to 2013 was spotty at best). By 2008 and 2009 I was putting out a ten-page issue every month (https://mikewb1971.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/nml-2009-08.pdf).
Basically, I would solicit submissions (that was quite often a dry well !), then scour the web for material that would fit, both in terms of compatibility of message and of available space.
Each issue would generally take about 8 hours in total to compile.
After the issue was completed, I would email it off to Ron Bjornstad (Ron moved to northeast Texas to be closer to family after the 2017 invasion of LPNM by Cain, Mahon and their patisies, which turned into the Luchini Gang) or Bill Koehler (Bill passed away in August of this year from cancer), and they would print it off and get it mailed out to the membership via USPS. At the same time, I would send the PDF via email to members for whom I had email addresses.
- Riverside Homestead Life — No More Made in China! USA WILL SUFFER | empty shelves shtf [YouTube]
- Memorable Entertainment Television (MeTV) — Star Trek
- I walked 1,434 steps today.
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