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Random Shots for Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Random Shots for Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Congressman Thomas Massie
    Saturday, 19 November 2022 at 9:34 AM MST

    Second Amendment Caucus co-chair Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and I hosted the Second Amendment Caucus quarterly meeting and reception Thursday in Washington, D.C. We were joined by very special guest Kyle Rittenhouse.

    Kyle, who prefaced his speech by telling us that it was the first he had ever given, spoke candidly with the audience about what exactly the Second Amendment means to him. In Kyle’s words, “Our right as Americans to bear arms means so much to me personally, but it can be summed up in just two words: my life. The Second Amendment saved my life.”

    In August of 2020, at only 17 years old, Kyle headed into the midst of violent protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin to help those who might be injured and to protect local businesses that faced risk of damage from looting and arson. He brought with him a medical care and trauma case and his long barrel rifle as means of protection. Kyle was attacked by three men, causing him to exercise his God-given right to self-defense. Kyle was arrested for protecting himself against his assailants and was labeled a “murderer” and “domestic terrorist’ by mainstream media.

    Kyle spoke of his time in jail where he had no idea just how many people in the country were rallying in his support. These patrons donated the money needed to bail Kyle out of jail and retain legal representation. After a very public and contentious trial, a jury agreed that he had acted in self-defense, and in turn, found him not guilty. Though acquitted, Kyle is unfortunately still facing civil suits and potential legal distress.

    The past two years have been grueling for Kyle and his family, but he has taken his experience and turned it into strong advocacy for Second Amendment rights. “I am going to vigorously advocate and support the Second Amendment. I will fight for it and spread awareness about the importance of voting for strong leaders who believe in the Constitution, support our Second Amendment and the principles our great nation was founded upon.”

    We were all captivated by Kyle’s speech and his humor, even in the face of adversity. It’s the first-hand accounts from people like Kyle that serve as a re-charge for our internal batteries and remind us why it is so important to continue fighting in Congress to protect our constitutional rights. Kyle said he wonders if he will be able to ever live a normal life again, which I doubt, because I believe he is destined for a life much greater than ordinary.

    Thank you, Kyle, for sharing your story with us, and thank you to my fellow Second Amendment Caucus members, my many House colleagues, Second Amendment hero Dick Heller, and the representatives from Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights, NRA – National Rifle Association of America, and American Firearms Association for attending the meeting.

  2. Posted to Twitter

    It originally stood for “ArmaLite Rifle,” as ArmaLite was the first company that was producing them.

    Now it should stand for “America’s Rifle,” as there are quite a few companies making them, you can build your own from parts, and 24 million Americans already own them.


  1. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Supreme Court 6-3 Concealed Carry Decision Up For Reconsideration ! ! ! [YouTube]
  2. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — UPDATE: Pistol Stabilizing Brace Ban Incoming! [YouTube]
  3. The Critical Drinker by Will JordanBob Chapek Fired – Disney In Meltdown [YouTube]
  4. KOAT NewsAlbuquerque City Council approves permitting process for Safe Outdoor Spaces [YouTube]
  5. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: Voyager
    2. Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 32,705 steps today.

Random Shots for Sunday, 20 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook here and here

    Issue 1,183 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up


    — An International Journal of Opinion —

    Issue 1,183, November 20, 2022


    THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: Toleration requires fewer body bags than rage. — James Bovard

    THE WEEKLY CARTOON: You can’t tell the players without a program

    A Request for Help

    Jim Davidson, a long-time contributor to TLE, is currently awaiting trial on extended traffic related charges. See his early October article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] (https://ncc-1776.org/tle2022/tle1176-20221002-05.html). Since then he has retained an attorney. The attorney usually charges $2,000 to start; there may be more, possibly $10,000.

    Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.

    Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.


    Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to counsel.

    Thank you

    Yours in Liberty,

    Rylla and Cathy Smith
    Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise


    0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley

    1. Letters to the Editor

    2. One, Two, Three, Four; I Don’t Want Your Stinking War, by L. Neil Smith

    3. Now as Some Day it May Happen: Suggestions for a New Party of the, Right by Alan Bickley

    4. On the Militia Part 1, by Donald Smith

    5. Beyond the Red Rage Horizon, by Analytical Engine mechanic

  2. Posted to Facebook

    So “progressive” Pat Davis is all in favor of taxing the poor to subsidize the rich, it seems.


  1. Imagine by International Film and Television Star Nick Searcy [YouTube] by Nick Searcy
  2. KOAT NewsTaxpayers have paid nearly $1 million for United to play in Isotopes Park by T.J. Wilham
  3. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: Voyager
    2. Star Trek: Enterprise
  4. AmmoLand Shooting Sports NewsFormer CIA Officer’s Enmity Toward ‘Right Wing’ Americans Shows Agency Priorities by David Codrea
  5. Lore DailyArriving soon: The “Son of Blackbird” SR-72 from Lockheed Martin


  1. I walked 24,941 steps today.

Random Shots for Saturday, 19 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Twitter

    What about solutions to knife violence, blunt-object violence, or bare-handed violence?

    Or don’t those count as sufficiently violent to be addressed?

  2. Posted to Facebook

    I am NOT holding my breath on this yielding any results other than a bit of bad press for the Bidenazi Mafia.

    In my opinion, the GOP will back off of any real investigation or prosecution because then the Democrats will go after their next set of bad actors in the same manner.

  3. Posted to Facebook

    I’ve heard and used both “DEE-ity” and “DAY-ity” on various occasions.

  4. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Robin Brooks
    JJ Valencia
    Sara Taylor
    Charmaine Howlett
    Micha Elmore


  1. The Daily ResisterCrazy person blocking traffic – Empire District – Coos Bay, OR – 11/18/2022 [YouTube]
  2. KOAT NewsSanta Fe Sheriff’s Office releases ‘Rust’ investigation [YouTube]
  3. KRQE NewsAR-15, $21,000+ worth of gear stolen from unlocked State Police patrol car [YouTube]
  4. DUSTSci-Fi Short Film “MIGHT” | DUST [YouTube]
  5. Covert CabalHow Much Equipment Does The US / West Have Left to Send? And How Does it Get to Ukraine? [YouTube]
  6. China UncensoredHUGE Protests Over Zero Covid Lockdown in Guangzhou [YouTube]
  7. ST DailyUS Tests Top SECRET Hypersonic Aircraft to Beat SR-72
  8. Front CostUS Tests Top SECRET Hypersonic Aircraft to Beat SR-72 [YouTube]
  9. Memorable Entertainment Television (MeTV)Star Trek
  10. A World Set Free In Our Lifetime by Jeff Wood, Libertarian for VP


  1. We had another “gusher” (“eruption” ?) of sewer water at the store in the mens department. This is the second one that I’ve been on the scene for (there may have been others that I was not present for).
  2. I received my new membership card from the LNC today —

  3. I walked 29,826 steps today.

Random Shots for Friday, 18 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    “It’s clear the new leadership in the LP doesn’t care about giving voters a Liberty alternative. They are Republican operatives damaging an emerging 3rd party”

    NO, that’s your AFP buddies, and the Johnsonist-Weldists types (Gary Johnson endorsed Mark Ronchetti in this year’s gubernatorial race).



  2. Posted to Facebook

    So who’s the AFP people who keep showing up at ‘L’PNM events, like the 12 July rump convention?

    Who were the AFP people who showed up at the FLPNM’s 29 October organizing convention, and left abruptly when they couldn’t disrupt the proceedings?

  3. Posted to Facebook

    “Mike Blessing ah yes, insulting the second most successful Libertarian candidate in 2021”

    Who exactly was this?

    As for the *2022* elections, what have I said, good, bad, or otherwise, about Travis Sanchez (245,139 votes), Sophie Cooper (37,193 votes), or Stephen Curtis (43,500 votes) ?

  4. Posted to Facebook

    The Atlas Society
    Paid for by The Objectivist Center Ltd

    Immature and educated people fighting to take your rights away? Definitely scary! Happy Halloween! #antifa #halloween #Aynrand


  1. Fancy WorkAstronomers Discover A Disappearing Space Object That Turns On And Off Every 20 Minutes And Sends Highly-Polarized Radio Signals
  2. America UncoveredThe Red Light Camera Industry is Insanely Corrupt [YouTube]
  3. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Supreme Court Unanimous Decision On Firearm Confiscation Denied Reconsideration ! ! ! [YouTube]
  4. Subject Zero ScienceITER – Blanket Shield Module | How it works [2022] [YouTube]
  5. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — WOW! This Should Blow Your Mind! [YouTube]
  6. KOAT NewsNMDOH releases update on COVID-19 and flu cases in New Mexico [YouTube]
  7. Active Self Protection [ASP]Winning The Fight Doesn’t Mean You Are Free From Harm [YouTube]
  8. KRQE NewsHomeless population spikes in Belen after ABQ Coronado Park closure, officials say [YouTube]
  9. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise
  10. Mercury Is No Longer The Closest World To The Sun


  1. I walked 27,730 steps today.

Random Shots for Thursday, 17 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Chris Ehmling — “Do you want a NH style affiliate? Because I sure as fuck don’t.”

    What exactly is the New Hampshire affiliate doing wrong?

  2. Posted to Facebook

    Chris Ehmling — “Mike Blessing over my dead body should they give the keys to the castle to those nincompoops at FLPNM.”

    If the FLPNM are such “nincompoops” as you say, why did you join their Facebook group last night?

  3. Posted to Facebook

    Hopefully, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen will render the phrases “NY compliant” and “CA compliant” irrelevant.

  4. Posted to Facebook

    To my knowledge, the FLPNM has already attained affiliate status with the LNC. As for recovering the assets, the FLPNM is waiting to see what happens.

    I’ve said this before and will no doubt say it again, there shouldn’t be any “safe space” in the Libertarian Party for Aryan Airheadism, whether it’s the anti-Semitic kind or other kinds of bigotry. Same goes for the BDS-type leftish stuff along the lines of Israel bashing.

  5. Posted to Facebook

    “FLPNM seems to be infested with Karen’s Paleocons who have little clue with libertarianism actually means”

    That’s OK. I cast a blank for Bernalillo County Sheriff, so I know my vote wasn’t wasted in that race.


  6. Posted to Facebook

    Here’s another good one:

  7. Posted to Facebook

    Apparently I’m a “Republican simp” who can tell the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

    So AFP lets you take a break from licking their taints? Or is that Antifa?

    Maybe they will lick yours for a change?

  8. Posted to Facebook

    In other words, you disaffiliated from the current LNC because of “MAGA!!!!!” or whatever, but you still want to be able to send delegates to that LNC’s 2024 National Convention (see the screenshot above).

    Now that your attempt at con artistry has been publicized, how is it working out for you?


  1. Fancy WorkAstronomy: A Second Interstellar Visitor Has Arrived in Our Solar System. This Time, Astronomers Think They Know Where It Came From
  2. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Supreme Court Authority Over Second Amendment Decision Being Challenged! ! ! [YouTube]
  3. Dark TechThe Most Powerful Gun the Navy Has Ever Built? [YouTube]
  4. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — Local Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce New Gun Control [YouTube]
  5. KOAT NewsSec. Pete Buttigieg makes special trip to New Mexico [YouTube]
  6. Midnight’s EdgeDesperation setting in over Star Wars Andor, as Disney braces for mass firings! [YouTube]
  7. Subject Zero, ScienceWhy STELLARATORS are the future of Fusion Energy [YouTube]
  8. The Daily ResisterCar Lot Trespass – Coos Bay, OR (Empire District) – 3/18/2022 [YouTube]
  9. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 35,220 steps today.

Random Shots for Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook and Slack

    Chris Ehmling on LPNM’s 2022 Election Performance


    Okay, so, its been a week. Its time we address the elephant in the room.

    Firstly, party policy. Why in the hell don’t we allow for our candidates to have access to donor rolls? If its party policy to not give candidates cash resources (another stupid policy, we dont need a state office), then why dont we give donor contacts to our candidates so they can fundraise themselves???

    Secondly, lack of strategy. Our party affiliate FB page never said a single thing to promote our candidates since the June 7th primary. They spent all summer worrying about disafiliation instead of formulating an electoral strategy for this year. To make matters worse, we relied on failed Republicans like Tim Walsh and Karen Bedonie to be our Gunernatorial candidate, instead of anyone from party leadership stepping up and saying “I’ll run because our constituents deserve better”.

    As a campaign manager who’s gotten this affiliate a win before in a contested election, I am absolutely furious by the lack of leadership skills.

    I am officially calling for every single LPNM officer to resign, immediately.

    This is a Political Party, not Debate Club. Our only focus should be on winning and helping our communities.

    Not whatever the hell we did this cycle.

  2. Posted to Facebook —

    Check out Marvel’s Vote Loki series or Bomb Queen: Trump Card for a few laughs.



  3. Posted to Twitter

    Stay the course!

  4. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Pierre Bezukhov
    Aaron Perls
    Randall Sobien

  5. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Brian Haisman
    Jason Oberholser
    David Cupps
    Lany Cupps
    Dennis Anderson
    Triston McCarty
    Chris Ehmling

  6. Posted to Facebook

    Laura Burrows — so when exactly do Chris, Chappelle, Manning and Snoy (who don’t want to be affiliated with the LNC because “MAGA!!!!” but still seem to want to send delegates to the LNC’s National Convention in 2024) hand over the LPNM assets to Frank Martin (State Chair of the FLPNM, the new LNC affiliate), like Betsy, myself, Elisheva, Bruce, and Ron Bjornstad handed over the LPNM to their predecessors in 2017?


  1. Screen Rant [SR]Star Trek 4 Is The Only Way Kirk Can Fight The Borg by John Orquiola
  2. Freethink [F*] — Nuclear fusion inspires new rocket thruster design by Kristin Houser
  3. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — “Large Capacity” Magazine Ban & Mandatory Purchase Permit Measure Passes ! ! ! [YouTube]
  4. Active Self Protection [ASP]Scottsdale Man Opens Fire On Emotionally Fit Officer [YouTube]
  5. GateWorldThe Pilot For A New Stargate Show . . . Is Probably Dead [YouTube]
  6. Project VeritasCandace Owens Covers Veritas’ Breaking Undercover Video of Teacher’s Sexual Fantasies About Students [YouTube]
  7. Colion NoirAnti-Gun NJ Assemblyman Makes Disgusting Comments Proving How Racist Gun Control Is [YouTube]
  8. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 32,186 steps today.

Random Shots for Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Micah Magee
    Brandi Wethington
    Whitney Howle
    Teresa D’Aun Nolen
    Joseph M. Ray


  1. Image ComicsBomb Queen
  2. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: Voyager
    2. Star Trek: Enterprise
  3. Adult Swim [as]Love Your Feller Man | Squidbillies | Adult Swim [YouTube]


  1. Met with two other “Old Drunken Old Irrvelivents” [Facebook, Spreely], and LPNM MC representatives at the Gyros Albuquerque [106 Cornell SE] — we discussed the current [improving] state of affairs of both of the FLPNM / LPNM and the LPNM Mises Caucus, and possible corrective measures.
  2. I walked 2,901 steps today.

Random Shots for Monday, 14 November 2022

Today in history


  1. The Complete Shadow Order — Books 1-8 by Michael Robertson
  2. [REMADE VFX] Star Trek VI – Enterprise Leaves Spacedock – Tribute Animation with James Horner Score [YouTube] from Robert Wilde
  3. The Angry Astronaut by Jordan Wright — How do you build a space program with less money than Blue Origin? EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – UKSA [YouTube]
  4. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — An End To The “Assault Weapon” And Magazine Capacity Ban ! ! ! [YouTube]
  5. China UncensoredChina’s STRANGLEHOLD on Modern Tech Could Be Slipping | Rare Earth Elements [YouTube]
  6. WASP NationW.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless VIP Experience Q&A – Where Are The Future Rock Stars? #WASP #blackielawless [YouTube]
  8. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise
  9. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — WHAT?!?: Magazines Are Not Essential For the Operation of Firearms?!? [YouTube]
  10. KRQE NewsFake cop busted by undercover deputy [YouTube]
  11. Active Self Protection [ASP]Robber Takes A Dirty Dish Towel Beatdown [YouTube]


  1. I walked 32,168 steps today.

Random Shots for Sunday, 13 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook here and here, —

    Issue 1,182 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up


    — An International Journal of Opinion —

    Issue 1,182, November 13, 2022


    THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: zan, zindiqi, azadi (women, life, freedom) — Motto of Iranian protesters.

    THE WEEKLY CARTOON: I get most of my exercise from shaking my head in disbelief.

    A Request for Help

    Jim Davidson, a long-time contributor to TLE, is currently awaiting trial on extended traffic related charges. See his early October article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] (https://ncc-1776.org/tle2022/tle1176-20221002-05.html). Since then he has retained an attorney. The attorney usually charges $2,000 to start; there may be more, possibly $10,000.

    The next event in Jim’s case is a preliminary hearing on November 17.

    Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.

    Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.


    Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to counsel.

    Thank you

    Yours in Liberty,

    Rylla and Cathy Smith
    Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise


    0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley

    1. Letters to the Editor, from Jeff Fullerton, Albert Perez

    2. Napsterama, by L. Neil Smith

    3. Strategies for Autonomy, by Jim Davidson

    4. Movies that Celebrate Liberty, by Sean Gangol

    5. They Were Having a Sale at the Gun Store, by Leslie Fish

  2. Posted to Facebook

    Definitely get rid of all of that empty space above the hangar bay openings.

  3. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Josh Kern
    Spencer Elmore
    Carissa King
    Alec Jolly
    Devin Neeley


  1. GizmodoSpaceflight: China’s New Megarocket Design Shows NASA’s SLS Is Already Obsolete by George Dvorsky
  2. Freethink [F*] — Series > Challengers: This carbon-negative dream house ships in a box by Doug Dais
  3. The Angry Astronaut by Jordan Wright — SpaceX should use LOFTID instead of Starship to land on Mars! Here’s why . . . [YouTube]
  4. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: The Original Series
    2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    4. Star Trek: Voyager
    5. Star Trek: Enterprise
  5. USA TodayWorld: ‘Planet killer’ asteroids nearly a mile long detected after being hidden by the sun’s brightness by Scott Gleeson and Jordan Mendoza
  6. National Post [NP]NP Comment: Clarence Thomas asks a question too many Canadians are afraid to by Jamil Jivani
  7. CBS NewsNew York: Gov. Hochul turns to heavy hitters Vice President Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton at rally targeting women voters by Tim McNicholas
  8. City Journal [CJ]How Woke Put Paid to Publishing by Joanna Williams
  9. The Libertarian Enterprise [TLE] — Number 1,182: Sunday, 13 November 2022


  1. I walked 1,704 steps today.

Random Shots for Saturday, 12 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    What I’ve observed with campus groups (and county affiliates, too!) is that when the one or two mover and shaker types who keep it going and active move on to something else, everyone else in the group just kind of gives up and fades away. Then it’s back to square one on getting anything going for that particular locale.


  1. Project VeritasAG Garland Reigns in Rogue Prosecutors After Losing Claim That Project Veritas Are Not Journalists [YouTube]
  2. America UncoveredHow Chinese Spies Manipulate American Leaders | China Unscripted [YouTube]
  3. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Say Goodbye To The California “Large Capacity” Magazine Ban ! ! ! [YouTube]
  4. China UncensoredXi Jinping Tells China’s Military to Prepare for War [YouTube]
  5. Memorable Entertainment Television (MeTV)Star Trek
  6. Dark TechA Freaking Fast Tank [YouTube]


  1. I walked 32,565 steps today.