Today in history
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In the name of integrity, Raul Torrez needs to resign from the Office of the Attorney General and actually get hired by Bloomberg or Soros.
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The Congress has been raiding the “trust fund” for decades, from “both sides of the aisle.” What changed recently?

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If Greta is really that concerned about CO2 emissions, plenty of European grocery stores have plastic bags available for her to lead by example and stop exhaling the stuff.

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Biden and his ilk have been persecuting gun owners and trying to criminalize civilian firearms ownership for decades at this point.

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I just skimmed the feed a minute ago, and only found the one post mentioning Simon Cowell (blocked and reported that one). Everything else was related to Trek. Maybe I missed it all?
- Genghis Con Films — Marcos Maidana Teaches Adrien Broner A Lesson About Respect! [YouTube]
- Popular Science [PS] — Technology: Bell wants to soup up tilt-rotor aircraft by adding jet engines by Rob Verger
- Dilbert by Scott Adams — Friday, 20 January 2023 – “Humans Are Meat”
- 2A Cops – Cops Supporting Gun Rights — ATF Brace Rule Is a Trap [YouTube]
- Colion Noir — Alec Baldwin Charged With 2 Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter, Facing Up To 18 Months In Prison [YouTube]
- Project Veritas — #ScamLab PART 3: James O’Keefe sits down with Dr. Quintin Bostic [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — BREAKING ATF NEWS! Gun Owners of America Uncovers Fatal Flaw In Pistol Brace Rule . . . IT’S A TRAP! ! ! [YouTube]
- Frog Time — It’s snack time! [YouTube]
- KRQE News — ‘Frustration level is high’: Albuquerque business fed up with trespassers [YouTube]
- The Daily Resister by Matthew Wilbanks — Psycho Chick on Christmas Eve – Coos Bay, OR – 12/24/2022 [YouTube]
- KOAT News — A breakdown of Alec Baldwin’s public comments on ‘Rust’ [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Rhyme Combinator — Bitcoin Rap Battle Debate: Hamilton vs. Satoshi (BITCOIN GIVEAWAY) [feat. EpicLloyd, TimDeLaGhetto] [YouTube]
- I walked 28,801 steps today.
Today in history
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“AR” originally stood for “ArmaLite Rifle” (Armalite was the original producer of the AR-10 and AR-15), but now that there’s around 25 million AR-15-type rifles in U.S. civilian hands, it should stand for “America’s Rifle.”
And Geraldo really should stick to Al Capone’s vault.

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Waiting for the court system to throw your “bump stock” ban in the trash where it belongs.
Suck it up and love it, because you know you want to.

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I’ve been impressed lately by the Thomas Court, particularly with NYSR&PA v. Bruen.
Roberts rendered himself irrelevant when he wrote in the NFIB v. Sebelius (sp?) decision “Obamacare is Constitutional because it’s a tax” after Obama burned up the airwaves a good bit saying Obamacare was NOT a tax.
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Better late than never I guess.

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Then fold all of federal law enforcement into the US Marshals, make the FBI the Marshals’ *investigative* arm, and pink-slip the people who don’t go along.

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“AR” originally stood for “Armalite Rifle,” as Armalite was the original manufacturer producing the AR-10 and the AR-15.
Fast-forward about sixty years, there are about 25 million AR-15 and AR-10 type rifles in private hands in the United States.
Thus, “AR” should now stand for “America’s Rifle.”
- Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Ground Breaking Decision Changes Second Amendment Landscape! ! ! [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — BINGO! Bill Submitted To Stop ATF Pistol Brace Rule In It’s Tracks! [YouTube]
- Project Veritas — Dr. Quintin Bostic Says Non-Profit The Teaching Lab is a “Scam Lab” [YouTube]
- Active Self Protection [ASP] — LAPD Has Custody Triathlon With Incredulous Prohibited Possessor [YouTube]
- 2A Cops – Cops Supporting Gun Rights — Stupid Things Gun Grabbers Say: 2A Cops – Cops Supporting Gun Rights [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) — Star Trek: Enterprise
- I walked 25,043 steps today.
Today in history
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Gun control is stance, grip, breathing, sight picture and alignment, trigger operation, knowing when to shoot, being aware of your target and what’s around and beyond the target — the four safety rules.
Statutes and regulations that violate the individual, civil, natural, human right to own and carry weapons are more properly labeled “victim disarmament,” as that’s who will most likely be disarmed by such statutes and regulations.
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Raul Torrez has been on the Bloomberg / Soros payroll the whole time he was Bernalillo County District Attorney, and has continued that version of graft and pay-to-play to the Office of the Attorney General.
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How many non-Democrats are willing to cut them slack for whatever reasons?
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That’s a Carl Gustav-type 84mm recoilless rifle, not an M72-series 66mm LAW.
Unregistered ownership of either the M72 or the Carl Gustav is the birthright of every human being, as part of being a sapient being.
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[FLPNM] Call to 2023 Convention
The annual convention of the Free Libertarian Party of New Mexico (FLPNM) will convene on Saturday, March 4th, 2023 at 10:00am at:
Cabela’s Community Room 5151 Lang NE Albuquerque NM 87109
The venue will open at 9:00am, with registration of delegates beginning at 9:20. The Convention will convene promptly at 10:00, so you should plan to be there no later than 9:30am to register.
The convention is free to the public, but voting at the convention is limited to members in good standing of the FLPNM. Per our Bylaws, the requirements for membership in the FLPNM are:
Payment of $25 annual dues. Your signature on our Non-initiation of Force statement. Your contact information and agreement to allow us to contact you about Party business. You must certify that you are a legal resident of New Mexico.
In order to vote at the convention, the deadline to fulfill these requirements is February 2nd, 2023. You can complete all of these at our website:
Members meeting the requirements above are requested to attend the convention and vote. The business to be considered is:
Election of the State Central Committee, including all directors, Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer Election of the Judicial Committee (5 positions) Amendments to the Bylaws Non-partisan Race Opportunities Fundraising The delegates in Convention may conduct other such business as is proper under the FLPNM Bylaws by amending the Convention agenda.
We plan to have morning coffee and pizza for lunch at no charge for members.
Additional events, which may require a ticket purchase, are being planned.
For inquiries regarding delegate credentials, email tosecretary@flpnm.org. For other questions, please contact us at secretary@flpnm.org or membership.director@flpnm.org.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sincerely, Rudolph Kohn, Secretary, Free Libertarian Party of New Mexico
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Send him back to Al Capone’s vault.

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Tell us something we don’t already know, Joy.

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Meathead’s alter ego seems to be the gift that just keeps on giving where quoting tweets is concerned.

- KOAT News — New Mexico legislators speak out after arrest of Solomon Pena [YouTube]
- Active Self Protection [ASP] — Brave Troopers Survive on Route 33 | Active Self Protection [YouTube]
- Thomas Sowell Notes — Politicians Know Nothing About Capitalism #138 Basic Economics – Thomas Sowell #sowell [YouTube]
- Project Veritas — Teaching Lab’s Dr. Quintin Bostic Admits Violating State Law to Sell CRT Curriculums to Schools [YouTube]
- Colion Noir — She Wants A Shotgun For Home Defense, But Does She Really? [YouTube]
- KRQE News — ABQ couple calling on city after multiple vehicles crash into backyard wall [YouTube]
- GateWorld — What Came AFTER Stargate Atlantis’ Final Season? (Dial the Gate) [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) — Star Trek: Enterprise
- I walked 31,174 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Slack —
Since I’m guessing there was no notice published in a newspaper of general circulation before 3 January 2023, I recommend making this meeting a simple meet-and-greet, come-sign-the-affiliate-petition kind of event. We can do the actual affiliate-creation event at the February meetup (I can place the notice in the ABQ Journal on Tuesday, 24 January).
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I’ll publish the notice for 21 February — if we don’t need it, I’m out about 50 bucks. If I do it and we do need it, we’re covered. If I don’t do it and we do need it . . . .
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Instead of the State of New Mexico creating more legalized vote-buying scams and calling them “mental health care,” why doesn’t the State charter a 501-c-3 type non-profit for that cause, and forbid that organization from lobbying the Legislature for ANYTHING, and also forbid that organization from accepting tax FRNs from ANY source?
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Either that, or he got recalled to Zeta Reticuli to be replaced by another lizard-person.

- Active Self Protection [ASP] — A Shotgun Can Be a Fight Stopper | Active Self Protection [YouTube]
- Colion Noir — Biden’s ATF Says Gun Owners Have 120 Days To Comply With New Pistol Brace Ruling [YouTube]
- KOAT News — Cybersecurity debate to hit New Mexico legislature [YouTube]
- Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — ATF Short Barreled Rifle & Pistol Brace Rule Defies Supreme Court Authority! ! ! [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — SHOCKER! ! ! FBI & ATF Caught SECRETLY Monitoring Gun Owners! ! [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) — Star Trek: Enterprise
- China Unscripted — Why China Might Invade Russia [YouTube]
- I walked 30,646 steps today.
Today in history
- Posted to Facebook here and here —
Issue 1,190 (1 15, 2023) of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,190, January 15, 2023
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: By shameful default, libertarians have become America’s last and only reliable stewards of the Bill of Rights. — L. Neil Smith
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: What part of libertarianism bothers you? The part where you have to make decisions about your own life? Or the part where you don’t get to make my decisions for me?
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor, from Jeff Fullerton, Albert Perez
2. The Amateur Critic, by L. Neil Smith
3. Advice From 13 Successful Education Entrepreneurs on How to Take the Plunge Into Non-Traditional Schooling, by Kerry McDonald
4. Spotlighting Gen LaGreca, by Sean Gangol
- TrekMovie.com — Interview: John Billingsley On The Joy Of Phlox, Sexuality on ‘Star Trek: Enterprise,’ And Why The Show Won’t Be Back by Laurie Ulster
- The Western Journal [WJ] — Activists Claim Cops Murdered BLM Co-Founder’s Cousin, Then the Body Cam Footage Comes Out by Elizabeth Stauffer
- China Uncensored — WARGAMES: China’s Bloody Invasion of Taiwan [YouTube]
- KRQE News — 1 charged after APD SWAT response Friday night [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Active Self Protection [ASP] — Albuquerque Officer Shows Courage and Cool Marksmanship | Active Self Protection [YouTube]
- Albuquerque Journal — Man killed by APD yelled, ‘I have a gun’ by Ryan Boetel, Journal Staff Writer
- Had a very late (~ 1400 / 2 PM MST) breakfast at The Daily Grind [4360-A Cutler Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM] — ∅14.28 was the bill[1].
I ordered a Build Your Own Omelet with ham, bacon, sausage, green chile, onions, and cheese. It came with home fries (potato cubes) and toast (I ordered the “Rustic,” which seemed to be rye bread).
I would recommend The Daily Grind to friends and family.
- After brunch at The Daily Grind, I went next door to Calibers [4340 Cutler Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM], looking for a replacement holster for my Glock 17, and possibly trading in my G17 for something with mounting rails for a light or laser, and able to accept a red-dot sight.
- I walked 5,062 steps today.
Today in history
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Where exactly in the U.S. Constitution is federal funding for school lunches, health care, etc. authorized? Where in Article I, Section 8?

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I wasn’t aware that “Social Security” and Medicare were actually explosive devices instead of bloated, deficit-raising, legalized vote-buying scams, but whatever.

- KRQE News — Police: One in custody, linked to shots fired at homes & offices of Albuquerque elected leaders [YouTube]
- Dark Tech — The Telephone-Pole Sized Steel Rods Dropped from Space [YouTube]
- Covert Cabal — How Will Ukrainian Leopard Tanks Perform Against Russia? [YouTube]
- Project Veritas — NY Magazine Tries To “Fact Check” Project Veritas But Prove They Are The Ones Struggling With Facts [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — BREAKING NEWS: ATF Drops Pistol Brace Rule [YouTube]
- Overlord DVD by “Dicktor Van Doomcock” — Lucasfilm PURGE Is Coming | Kennedy Allies Will Be FIRED Once She Leaves Disney Sources Say! [YouTube]
- Memorable Entertainment Television (MeTV) — Star Trek
- Had a brief chance encounter with Maggie Shepard (of the LP Mises Caucus, FLPNM, etc.) on the sales floor of the store today.
- Picked up a #1 seafood boil combo (1 lb crawfish, 1 lb shrimp, 1/2 lb sausage, 2 x red potatoes, 2 x corn on the cob (~ 1/3 of an ear each) for a late dinner at the Cottonwood Storming Crab [10041 Coors NW in Albuquerque] — ∅33.39 was the bill[1].
Everything was delicious, and they give you enough for two meals. Still, getting the meat out of the crawfish was a pain (no crawfish next time!), it was a bit pricey (∅33.39 for the package, and they give it to you in a plastic bag — no styrofoam to-go boxes — almost like you’re taking out the trash.
- I walked 29,483 steps today.
- ∅ = Federal Reserve Note — Infogalactic / Wikipedia
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