H/T Michael Anderson — “Libertarianism At Nïght” Facebook Group at Friday, April 1, 2022 at 10:00 PM MST
The only “problem” with this meme is that the rifle held by Jesus (the FN SCAR) will set you back ∅3,000, while a decent AR-15 / M4-pattern rifle can be purchased for […]
A few days ago, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty [RFE / RL] re-posted a video clip (“Ukrainian Tractors Versus Russian Armor”) on Facebook and YouTube —
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMtP7OipYJg]
So when the hoplophobes and victim disarmers start screeching “u think you should be able 2 own a TANK?!?!?!!!!!!” […]
Reiterating the title of this post:
THIS is why I own and carry weapons wherever I can.
I’m 51 years old. I’m too old and fat to do a strip-tease for some death camp guard in order to snatch his / her / xis / xer / zis / zer sidearm […]
From: Mike Blessing To: Councilor Lan Sena <lansena@cabq.gov>, Councilor Isaac Benton <ibenton@cabq.gov>, Councilor Klarissa Peña <kpena@cabq.gov>, Councilor Brook Bassan <bbassan@cabq.gov>, Councilor Cynthia Borrego <cynthiaborrego@cabq.gov>, Councilor Pat Davis <patdavis@cabq.gov>, Councilor Diane Gibson <dgibson@cabq.gov>, Councilor Trudy Jones <trudyjones@cabq.gov>, Councilor Don Harris <dharris@cabq.gov> CC: Policy Analyst Diane Dolan <ddolan@cabq.gov>, Policy Analyst Rachael Hernandez <rmhernandez@cabq.gov>, Policy Analyst Susan […]
A few weeks ago, Albuquerque City Councilor Diane Gibson has gotten herself some no-charge campaign advertising, courtesy of the lamestream snoozemedia [1], on account of her calling for a State-level Constitutional Amendment to change Article II, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of New Mexico from its current text:
From the Albuquerque Journal, Friday, 3 July 2020, p. A11 OP-ED (“SPEAK UP!”)
KUDOS TO the Santa Fe County Commission for passing on the purchase of AR-15 weapons for the Santa Fe sheriff’s department SWAT officers. . . . Instead of just waiting, as Sheriff Mendoza seems inclined to do because […]
Fellow members of the Productive Class, allow me to present to you the core constituency of the Political Classholes.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5BeQ1w4bfA&w=560&h=315]
While I’m sure that the person in the video clip probably wouldn’t be welcome at most if any of the cocktail parties on the DC circuit, the state capitals, or […]
While skimming Facebook, you can come across the most insane thngs —
Facebook — Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 7:09 PM
Going to Wolfinhousen’s Facebook profile, I found more of the same sort of . . . rhetoric.
Original post on Facebook — Thursday, May 14, […]
From page A15 of the Friday, 28 February 2020 edition of the Albuquerque Journal, we have not one, but two “gems of wisdom.”
First, the writer labels anyone that owns or carries a firearm a “gun possessor,” and makes NO attempt to distinguish between criminal misuse of firearms and safe and proficient […]
Today’s Albuquerque Journal, fresh from the driveway, has the following in the “Speak Up!” section of the Op-Ed page (A13) —
BACKGROUND CHECKS can help reduce mass shootings if they are combined with other strong measures. Close the loopholes and make purchases that are now legal, illegal. MY
If that […]
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