My 2022 General Election Ballot
I voted on Friday, 28 October 2022 at Bernalillo County’s Cottonwood West voting location [10131 Coors Bypass NW Suite C-02, Albuquerque, NM]
Michelle Garcia Holmes for U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District

There is no Big-L Libertarian in the race, and Michelle Garcia Holmes is the closest there is to a small-l libertarian in the race.
Karen Bedonie and Efren Gallardo for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively

I met and talked with Karen Bedonie and Efren Gallardo for an hour at the Bernalillo County / Sandoval County Libertarian Party of New Mexico Meetup on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at the Boxing Bear Brewing Co. Corrales Taproom [10200 Coors NW, ABQ, NM].
IF Ginger Grider had been the “Libertarian” nominee, and Anthony “Ant” Thornton had been the Republican pick for Governor, I would have probably voted Republican in this race, as Thornton is an actual, working rocket scientist . . . .
Mayna Myers for Secretary of State

Myers moved to Olympia, Washington and signed on as store manager of a Michaels store. Still , it’s not likely that she’s going to need to move back to New Mexico.
Jeremy Gay for Attorney General

Raul Torrez is (rhetorically and financially speaking) a meat puppet and socket puppet for George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, with their (rhetorical and financial) hands up his rear end making his lips move. He demonstrated this in the past by playing nice with violent criminals, while simultaneously stumping for more victim disarmament statutes. NO THANKS to more of Torrez.
Travis Sanchez for State Auditor

Harry B. Montoya for State Treasurer

Larry Marker for Land Commissioner

Larry Marker seems like the best candidate for Land Commissioner, in that he doesn’t appear beholden to any party oligarch types. Plus, he seems to have experience as a farmer, rancher, and in the petrochemical industry.
Kathleen M. Jackson for State Representative, District 19

The Democrat candidate seems to be a carpetbagger, the DTS candidate (Enrique Jesus Cardiel) has an endorsement page that looks like a whos-who of local lefty-fascist whackjobs, so I went with Kathleen Jackson.
For Supreme Court, Thomas Montoya for Position 1, and Kerry Morris for Position 2

For Court of Appeals, Sophie Cooper for Position 1 and Stephen P. Curtis for Position 2

H/T Nicholas Truske %#151; Friday, 4 November 2022 at 3:40 PM MST
Sophie I. Cooper is running to serve as a judge on the New Mexico Court of Appeals as a Libertarian.
In the League of Women Voter’s Guide in reply to this question — “What policies are needed to keep the judiciary independent from political influence”
Her response:
“Mainly, the judiciary needs to do its job and protect our constitutional rights from government.
How quickly we, the people, lost our freedom to a virus.
I don’t understand ’emergency powers’ that continued over two years.
The Governor used a Riot Control Act designed to control riots to Lock-down Gallup;
she closed the churches entirely the night before Easter 2020;
she told us what to wear and how many people we can have in our homes, and the Courts did nothing.
Our rights are embodied in our federal and state constitution and the Court needs to protect the people from abuse of power.”
Sounds good enough for me.
NO ONE for Public Education Commissioner, District 3

The “Public Education Commission” shouldn’t exist in the first place, and there’s just about no way that I would vote for any Democrat these days, much less to put one on this particular commission.
The people who like my “Clear The Bench New Mexico”[1] stuff [Facebook] will appreciate my votes here —
NO ONE for District Court Judge (8 Democrats running unopposed in separate “races”)

NO ONE for Metro Court Judge (5 Democrats running unopposed in separate “races”)

NO ONE for Probate Judge

NO on 9 judicial retention races
The burden of proof for judicial retentions should be upon the judges themselves to demonstrate why they should be retained. Absent that documented evidence, give them the boot.

NO ONE for Bernalillo County Sheriff

NO ONE for County Assessor

NO on 3 State Constitutional Amendments and 1 Bernalillo County Charter Amendment

Amendment 1 simply sends another dumptruck full of ∅∅∅∅∅∅∅∅∅ (Federal Reserve Notes)[2] to the bloated, corrupt entities known as “public schools.”
Amendment 2 — hasn’t there been enough “public investment” already?! Seriously?!
Amendment 3 — who cares if the judges don’t get a full year before having to stand for election?
NO on all bond questions (3 State, 6 County, 1 AMAFCA)
I ALWAYS vote NO! on bond and tax questions, as the Political Classholes love to load up these with the popular things — upgrades new construction, new equipment, new vehicles, etc., for the cops, utilities, flood control, libraries, etc. Paying for popular stuff with bonds makes it easier to use the pool of general funds for their pet projects, sweetheart deals for their patrons, friends, and relatives.

- Clear The Bench New Mexico — Facebook / (Automattic)
- Federal Reserve Note [FRN] — Infogalactic / Wikipedia