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Random Shots for Friday, 11 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Slack

    I’m surprised that Snoy didn’t insist that you set up another monthly donation to their bunch.

  2. Posted to Facebook

    I usually wait til Wednesday morning to check the election results. That way, I can get it all at once instead of watching the Secretary of State’s page refresh itself automatically (reloading the page) every five minutes.

  3. Posted to Slack

    Usually, the petition forms are available on 1 October.

  4. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Deborah Beatty
    Carrie Ellen Gordon
    Jamie Osborn
    Jeanene Valdes
    Aaron Bluehouse


  1. Las Cruces Sun NewsOpinion: How to solve sorry state of current elections by Randy Lynch
  2. CNSNewsBlog: Republican Sen. Josh Hawley Says He Will Not Vote to Re-Elect McConnell as Senate GOP Leader
  3. Binkov’s BattlegroundsCould today’s US produce masses of fighters like it did in WW2? [YouTube]
  4. Midnight’s EdgeWAKANDA FOREVER failed where BLACK PANTHER succeeded; the audience is tuning out! [YouTube]
  5. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — ATF Loses Power To Regulate & Restrict Frames/Receivers ! ! ! ATF Appeals! [YouTube]
  6. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — Bad Night For the 2nd Amendment! [YouTube]
  7. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 29,293 steps today.

Random Shots for Thursday, 10 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Shawn Bradley Witzemann
    Ryan Mayer
    Sean Jeremy Osborn
    Candice Page
    Teary Mauzy
    Collin Hill
    Brittney McCarty


  1. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Game Changing Supreme Court Decision Is Ending California’s Ammo Ban Laws ! ! ! [YouTube]
  2. The Angry Astronaut by Jordan Wright — Dear Elon Musk, send Falcon Heavy and Red Dragon to Mars ! ! Here’s why . . . [YouTube]
  3. GateWorldCould a Goa’uld Take a Wraith as Host? (Stargate Spec) [YouTube]
  4. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 32,440 steps today.

Random Shots for Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook here and here

    Please welcome Drew G. Kennedy to the group!


  1. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Texas Kicks ATF Tyranny & Restrictions To The Curb With Suppressor Freedom Lawsuit ! ! ! [YouTube]
  2. Overlord DVD by “Dicktor Van Doomcock”The REAL Reason Why Blade Was Delayed: Director Hated What They Were Gonna Do to Blade Sources Say! [YouTube]
  3. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — California Sheriff CONVICTED for CCW Permit Bribery Scheme! PLUS I Reached Out To Tulsi Gabbard [YouTube]
  4. WASP Nation from W.A.S.P. — W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless VIP Experience Crimson Idol vs. Operation Mindcrime #wasp #blackielawless [YouTube]
  5. Project VeritasNEWSFLASH: Voter fraud is real [YouTube]
  6. Covert CabalA Detailed Look at What Belarus Can Provide Russia in Ukraine – With Satellite Imagery [YouTube]
  7. The Daily ResisterCoos County Commissioner Melissa Cribbins is a teenage drama queen [YouTube]
  8. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I went out to the parking lot to the car to go to the day job and found that someone had put a parking boot on my left front tire because I didn’t have a current license plate. [Fat lot of good having one did me on Monday, 17 January 2022, when my Kia Forte was stolen, then used as a mobile drug den for 1-2 days.]

    So I called the number on the ticket (505-255-6063, Precision Security) — the operator told me that someone would be on the scene in “about an hour.” I placed the call at 1110.

    The tow truck and driver (ABQ 24 Hr Towing, 3701 Commercial NE) arrived on site at about 1140 (at least two other tenants’ personal vehicles had also been booted). He moseyed over to where I was at about 1158, then told me that he couldn’t take debit or credit cards, only cash.

    Not having sufficient cash on hand, I walked five blocks to the DK Alon gas station [5401 Kathryn SE], extracted 200 from the ATM, walked back, paid the prick ∅75, and was on my way by 1218 (was supposed to be at the day job by 1200!). I arrived there at around 1245.

  2. About 15 minutes into my shift at the day job, who did I bump into but Governess Chipmunk AKA Michelle Lujan Grisham, fresh off her victory last night over reason, common sense, economic literacy, among other things. She said “Hi,” I was startled and replied “Hi” and could not break contact with her fast enough. She was coming up the escalator and was reaching the top as I was walking across the top of the same escalator. After breaking contact, I took the down-going escalator and hid in the mens department for a while.

My 2022 General Election Ballot

My 2022 General Election Ballot

I voted on Friday, 28 October 2022 at Bernalillo County’s Cottonwood West voting location [10131 Coors Bypass NW Suite C-02, Albuquerque, NM]

Michelle Garcia Holmes for U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District

There is no Big-L Libertarian in the race, and Michelle Garcia Holmes is the closest there is to a small-l libertarian in the race.

Karen Bedonie and Efren Gallardo for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively

I met and talked with Karen Bedonie and Efren Gallardo for an hour at the Bernalillo County / Sandoval County Libertarian Party of New Mexico Meetup on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at the Boxing Bear Brewing Co. Corrales Taproom [10200 Coors NW, ABQ, NM].

IF Ginger Grider had been the “Libertarian” nominee, and Anthony “Ant” Thornton had been the Republican pick for Governor, I would have probably voted Republican in this race, as Thornton is an actual, working rocket scientist . . . .

Mayna Myers for Secretary of State

Myers moved to Olympia, Washington and signed on as store manager of a Michaels store. Still , it’s not likely that she’s going to need to move back to New Mexico.

Jeremy Gay for Attorney General

Raul Torrez is (rhetorically and financially speaking) a meat puppet and socket puppet for George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, with their (rhetorical and financial) hands up his rear end making his lips move. He demonstrated this in the past by playing nice with violent criminals, while simultaneously stumping for more victim disarmament statutes. NO THANKS to more of Torrez.

Travis Sanchez for State Auditor

Harry B. Montoya for State Treasurer

Larry Marker for Land Commissioner

Larry Marker seems like the best candidate for Land Commissioner, in that he doesn’t appear beholden to any party oligarch types. Plus, he seems to have experience as a farmer, rancher, and in the petrochemical industry.

Kathleen M. Jackson for State Representative, District 19

The Democrat candidate seems to be a carpetbagger, the DTS candidate (Enrique Jesus Cardiel) has an endorsement page that looks like a whos-who of local lefty-fascist whackjobs, so I went with Kathleen Jackson.

For Supreme Court, Thomas Montoya for Position 1, and Kerry Morris for Position 2

For Court of Appeals, Sophie Cooper for Position 1 and Stephen P. Curtis for Position 2

H/T Nicholas Truske %#151; Friday, 4 November 2022 at 3:40 PM MST

Sophie I. Cooper is running to serve as a judge on the New Mexico Court of Appeals as a Libertarian.

In the League of Women Voter’s Guide in reply to this question — “What policies are needed to keep the judiciary independent from political influence”

Her response:

“Mainly, the judiciary needs to do its job and protect our constitutional rights from government.

How quickly we, the people, lost our freedom to a virus.

I don’t understand ’emergency powers’ that continued over two years.

The Governor used a Riot Control Act designed to control riots to Lock-down Gallup;

she closed the churches entirely the night before Easter 2020;

she told us what to wear and how many people we can have in our homes, and the Courts did nothing.

Our rights are embodied in our federal and state constitution and the Court needs to protect the people from abuse of power.”

Sounds good enough for me.

NO ONE for Public Education Commissioner, District 3

The “Public Education Commission” shouldn’t exist in the first place, and there’s just about no way that I would vote for any Democrat these days, much less to put one on this particular commission.

The people who like my “Clear The Bench New Mexico”[1] stuff [Facebook] will appreciate my votes here —

NO ONE for District Court Judge (8 Democrats running unopposed in separate “races”)


NO ONE for Metro Court Judge (5 Democrats running unopposed in separate “races”)


NO ONE for Probate Judge

NO on 9 judicial retention races

The burden of proof for judicial retentions should be upon the judges themselves to demonstrate why they should be retained. Absent that documented evidence, give them the boot.


NO ONE for Bernalillo County Sheriff

NO ONE for County Assessor

NO on 3 State Constitutional Amendments and 1 Bernalillo County Charter Amendment


Amendment 1 simply sends another dumptruck full of ∅∅∅∅∅∅∅∅∅ (Federal Reserve Notes)[2] to the bloated, corrupt entities known as “public schools.”

Amendment 2 — hasn’t there been enough “public investment” already?! Seriously?!

Amendment 3 — who cares if the judges don’t get a full year before having to stand for election?

NO on all bond questions (3 State, 6 County, 1 AMAFCA)

I ALWAYS vote NO! on bond and tax questions, as the Political Classholes love to load up these with the popular things — upgrades new construction, new equipment, new vehicles, etc., for the cops, utilities, flood control, libraries, etc. Paying for popular stuff with bonds makes it easier to use the pool of general funds for their pet projects, sweetheart deals for their patrons, friends, and relatives.







  1. Clear The Bench New Mexico — Facebookwordpress.com (Automattic)
  2. Federal Reserve Note [FRN] — InfogalacticWikipedia

Quote of the Day for Wednesday, 9 November 2022 (Robert Higgs)

Mike Ruff
Saturday, 22 October 22 at 9:37 AM MST

The fundamental problem is not that the elections are rigged, not that the candidates are reprehensible scumbags, not that the news media are lickspittle lapdogs for incumbents and the establishment, not that election turnout is low and public ignorance of the issues high. No, the fundamental problem is the existence of the state. Absent this essentially criminal enterprise, there would be no need for elections to public offices, candidates and politicking for such offices, political reporting, or anyone’s knowledge of politics and its countless inanities and corruptions. Absent the state, people could occupy themselves with more honest, productive, and beautiful activities.

However, without the state it would be vastly more difficult for large numbers of people to get (or imagine they are getting) something for nothing and to abuse their neighbors to gratify their own twisted sense of morality or virtue or proper conduct. For these ends, the means best suited to the purpose is definitely the state. So, let us give three cheers for the state: without it, we just wouldn’t be able to enjoy the kind of rotten-to-the-core society that now envelopes us.

— Robert Higgs

H/T John Pfersich — Monday, 24 October 2022 at 3:09 PM MST


  1. Robert Higgs — Infogalactic / Wikipedia

Random Shots for Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Richard Gurry to the group!

  2. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Ben Mauzy to the group!

  3. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Triston McCarty to the group!

  4. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Allen Elmore to the group!

  5. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Yanabah Bluehouse to the group!

  6. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Matthew Cordova to the group!

  7. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Kendra Wood to the group!

  8. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Samantha Simmons to the group!

  9. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Tanya McBride to the group!

  10. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Jessicca Kumaalla to the group!

  11. Posted to Facebook

    Let’s welcome our new members:

    Ramona Snow Teo
    Joshua James
    Diedra Diane Hobson
    Angela Spreacker
    Sherese DeVilbiss
    Jason Vaillancourt
    Maggie Shephard
    Beau Harwood


  1. EsquireEntertainment > TV: The Problem With Canon by Adrienne Westenfeld
  2. Rock PastaSammy Hagar Says Wolfgang Holds “Van Halen” Legacy On His Own
  3. BoltsThe 30 Prosecutor and Sheriff Races that Will Shape Criminal Justice Next Week by Michael Barajas and Daniel Nichanian
  4. Paradigm Shifts by Christina Gomez — PORTALS and WORMHOLES – The Unknown Zone [YouTube]
  5. Colion NoirDictator Biden Screams Ban Them, Ban Them, Ban Them AR-15s Have No Place In America [YouTube]
  6. Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — Treat All Glocks As Machineguns?!? [YouTube]
  7. Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Federal Court Strikes Down State Attempt To Defy The Supreme Court’s 2A Ruling ! ! ! [YouTube]
  8. Black Pigeon Speaks [BPS]A New World Order is RISING [YouTube]
  9. Dark TechThe Submachine Gun You Will Never Hear Coming [YouTube]
  10. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise


  1. I walked 33,546 steps today.

Random Shots for Monday, 7 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook


  1. David CodreaRequiescat in Pace, Agustin Blasquez
  2. All About Cats8 Most Common Cat Sleeping Positions and What They Really Mean by Melina Grin
  3. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: The Original Series
    2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    4. Star Trek: Voyager
    5. Star Trek: Enterprise

Random Shots for Sunday, 6 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    The very phrase “gun violence” is designed to instill a fear of firearms in those who hear or read it.

    Why is there no outcry against “knife violence” (stabbings and slashings), “automotive violence” (hit and run drivers), “blunt object violence” (assault and battery with baseball bats, batons, sticks, pieces of pipe, 2×2 boards, etc.), or “bare-handed violence” (unarmed assailants using hands and feet)?

    Add to this the fact that both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association both lend their voices to the victim disarmament cause on a semi-regular basis.



  2. Posted to Facebook here and here

    Issue 1,181 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up


    — An International Journal of Opinion —

    Issue 1,181, November 6, 2022


    THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: Stacking up bills for future generations to pay is not just economically irresponsible — it is immoral. — Rishi Sunak

    THE WEEKLY CARTOON: Bovard: So much political philosophy throughout history has consisted of reasons why people have a duty to be tame animals in politicians’ cages.

    A Request for Help

    You have probably deduced by now that our longtime friend is Jim Davidson. See his article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] (https://ncc-1776.org/tle2022/tle1176-20221002-05.html). Subsequent to publishing that, Jim learned that he must raise $5,000 for a retainer before October 20 to obtain legal representation, or risks having the case proceed without counsel and with no possibility of further delay. Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more. The rule of law demands the presumption of innocence until evidence removing reasonable doubt is presented by the complainant.

    Jim has been released from jail after selling his car to post bond. He would prefer to retain a lawyer rather than depend on the tender mercies of a public defender. He has identified a lawyer he would like to retain, who wants $5,000 as an initial retainer. Costs are estimated as follows:

    $5,000 for basic discovery, pleading, etc.
    3,000 for motions, including to suppress evidence
    5,000 for trial should any charges proceed to trial

    Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer, with whom one is able to communicate in confidentiality. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.

    Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.


    Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to the chosen counsel.

    Thank you

    Yours in Liberty,

    Rylla and Cathy Smith
    Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise


    0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley

    1. Letters to the Editor, from Albert Perez, Sean Gangol, Jeff Fullerton

    2. Hey, Peking . . . Duck! by L. Neil Smith

    3. Will the Midterms Change Anything? by Ron Paul

    4. What the American Founders Meant by Equality, by Dan Sanchez

    5. Conspiracy Theory and the Deutsche Bahn Sabotage, by Charles Curley

  3. Posted to Slack

    Any particular date in mind?


  1. Carlsbad Current ArgusOpinion: Pay attention to how candidates vote, not just what they say by Sherry Robinson
  2. SpacialKatanaBabylon 5 Vorlon Base [Non Canon] [YouTube]
  3. Colion NoirWOW, Anti-2A Lawmaker Admits His Gun Laws Are Designed To Control Law Abiding Citizens Not Criminals [YouTube]
  4. Memology 102NBC’s Deleted Video About Paul Pelosi Attack (Unedited) [YouTube]
  5. UFOHolicEvidence of “Nibiru” Found in Our Solar System By Scientists
  6. Rabfak – “Kalashnikov” (РАБФБК – Калашников. Народная версия) [YouTube] from “Kircha 7777”
  7. Heroes & Icons (H&I)
    1. Star Trek: The Original Series
    2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    4. Star Trek: Voyager
    5. Star Trek: Enterprise
  8. Catalyst from The Independent InstituteHistory’s First Libertarian? by Jon Miltimore

Random Shots for Saturday, 5 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Facebook

    Last time I checked, the Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, so members of NATO aren’t obligated to provide any assistance to the Ukraine. Several NATO member nations apparently did choose to provide military assistance (munitions, weapons, etc.) to the Ukraine, but that’s on those specific nations, and in no way obligates any other NATO members.

    Remember that Putinist Russia has bent over backwards to avoid attacking NATO members, with the intent of avoiding the invocation of Article 5.

    Also remember that Putinist Russia has been complaining for years now about NATO continuing to move closer to Russia’s borders.

    Russia has a history of suffering foreign invasions — the Vikings, the Mongols, the Poles and Lithuanians in the 1600s, the Swedes, Napoleon’s forces, and the Third Reich.

  2. Posted to Facebook

    Please welcome Tim Hatch to the group!

  3. Posted to Facebook

    I as a small-l libertarian am ambivalent to the argument of “let’s legalize marijuana so we can tax it and use the cash to pay for . . . .”



  1. WASP NationW.A.S.P. Blind In Texas Official Video [YouTube]
  2. V for Vendetta (2005 movie)
  3. Interesting Engineering [IE]Innovation: New Magnet-Free Electric Motor Needs No Maintenance by Chris Young
  4. Memorable Entertainment Television (MeTV)Star Trek
  5. Rabfak – “Kalashnikov” (РАБФБК – Калашников. Народная версия) [YouTube] from “Kircha 7777”


  1. It seems that at long last, after two years’ worth of exposure, I have indeed contracted the Koof AKA the Beer Bug AKA the Rona —

    Thanks to one of the other “Old Drunken Old Irrvelivents” [FacebookSpreely] for hookjing me up with ivermectin!

Random Shots for Friday, 4 November 2022

Today in history


  1. Posted to Slack

    I voted for Bedonie, cast blanks in the races with unopposed Democrats, “NO!” on the judicial retentions, amendments, and bond questions. More to follow, with pictures.

  2. Posted to Slack

    I am good with the Frontier.

  3. Posted to Slack



  1. New ScientistArmed Russian robocops to defend missile bases by David Hambling
  2. Wizard of Id Classics by Parker and Hart by Johnny HartBrant Parker, and Mason MastroianniWizard of Id Classics by Parker and Hart for November 04, 2022
  3. Screen Rant [SR]Comics News: Star Trek: Every Member of Sisko’s New Crew (& Their Original Generation) by Shaun Corley
  4. Dark SkiesThe Only Plane the US Air Force Has Never Been Able to Kill [YouTube]
  5. KOAT NewsHomeless woman and Albuquerque property owner meet to discuss homeless crisis [YouTube]
  6. Active Self Protection [ASP]Arizona Officer Tries To Be Peaceful | Active Self Protection [YouTube]
  7. Project VeritasSociety of Professional Journalists Caught Lying About Reason Veritas was EJECTED From MediaFest ’22 [YouTube]
  8. KRQE NewsVIDEO: APD nabs Target thief in undercover operation [YouTube]
  9. Kevin Bloody WilsonKEVIN BLOODY WILSON Hey Santa Claus [YouTube]
  10. Heroes & Icons (H&I)Star Trek: Enterprise
  11. DiscoverThe Sciences: What If Earth Hosted An Industrial Species Before Humans? by Cody Cottier


  1. 1008 — Saw a black hooker (?) wearing pink shorts, black halter top and blonde wig (no shoes or socks) dragging a black plastic pickup truck bumper eastbound along Zuni.
  2. I walked 22,968 steps today.