It’s not 5% for any statewide race, but 5% of the total amount of ballots cast in that year’s gubernatorial or presidential race.
If any candidate can pull that amount of votes, that counts as qualification for “major-party” status.
Travis (or Mayna, Stephen, Sophie, whoever) might have to pull 8-10 % in their own race to get that 5% of the total votes cast in the gubernatorial race, like Maurice McDonald did in 1998 when he ran for Land Commissioner.
I almost called off from work today. I was feeling achy in my joints, shivering, etc.
When I got home, someone was partially blocking the entry gate, and the street, with their car. The male occupant of the vehicle said that they ran out of gas. They were still sitting in the road and blocking the gate when I went from the parking lot to the apartment.
USTL President, Philip Blumel, commented on Kennedy’s pledge saying, “Andrew’s support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to listen to the majority of voters who want term limits. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.” . . . . “More than 80% of Americans have rejected the career politician model and want to replace it with citizen leadership. The way to achieve that goal is through a congressional term limits amendment. Andrew knows this and is willing to work to make sure we reach our goal.”
I am the ONLY candidate in District 66 who has signed the Pledge from New Mexico Term Limits / U.S. Term Limits, and I promise to fight to end corruption by working to pass term limits at ALL levels.
If you want to ensure that politicians are term limited and can’t make a career out of a public office, vote for the ONLY candidate who promises to do so, vote Andrew Kennedy for NM State House District 66! (Article in comments) #NMPol#Election2022#TermLimits
The COVID hysteria and the “vaccines” are part of their schemes for . . . call it “post partum abortions” ?
After all, Bill Gates, who is telling us the “vaccines” are “all OK” and should be mandatory, has previously stated his desire to reduce the world population by 90-95 %.
I have the video recording of the organizing convention downloaded from YouTube, uploaded to my own YouTube channel, and am currently uploading it to my Rumble channel.
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. — Dwight D. Eisenhower
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: Now Identifying as Windmills and Solar
A personal thank you to our readers, and to our contributors, both money and content. — the Editor.
A Request for Help
You have probably deduced by now that our longtime friend is Jim Davidson. See his article on the status of his case, [Due Process of Law] ( Subsequent to publishing that, Jim learned that he must raise $5,000 for a retainer before October 20 to obtain legal representation, or risks having the case proceed without counsel and with no possibility of further delay. Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more. The rule of law demands the presumption of innocence until evidence removing reasonable doubt is presented by the complainant.
Jim has been released from jail after selling his car to post bond. He would prefer to retain a lawyer rather than depend on the tender mercies of a public defender. He has identified a lawyer he would like to retain, who wants $5,000 as an initial retainer. Costs are estimated as follows:
$5,000 for basic discovery, pleading, etc. 3,000 for motions, including to suppress evidence 5,000 for trial should any charges proceed to trial
Jim maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer, with whom one is able to communicate in confidentiality. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page. Jim, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.
Jim offers a free copy of his new book in consideration of donations of $25 or more.
Didn’t Hitler commit suicide in 1945? Even if Hitler did make it to South America as alleged, he would be 133 years old now, in hiding — probably the last person to be a Twitter user.
From what I can tell, she didn’t intend for her petition to be for a dummy organization, but King Dildo referred to it as such on Facebook, I grabbed a screenshot of KD’s comment and sent that screenshot to McArdle and Harlos, and Harlos publicized that screenshot. Which apparently caused some bad blood between KD and Malowney.
Met with Libertarian Party of New Mexico [LPNM] Mises Caucus [MC] and some from the Libertarian National Committee [LNC] to get the ball rolling to form the Free Libertarian Party of New Mexico [FLPNM].
NO ONE for Public Education Commissioner, District 3, District Court Judge (8 running unopposed in separate “races”), Metro Court Judge (5 running unopposed in separate “races”), Bernalillo County Sheriff, County Assessor, or Probate Judge
NO on 9 judicial retention races
NO on 3 State Constitutional Amendments and 1 Bernalillo County Charter Amendment
NO on all bond questions (3 State, 6 County, 1 AMAFCA)