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Issue 1,175 of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,175, September 25, 2022
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: I don’t want to overthrow the government. I want to ignore it. The former grants government a legitimacy it hasn’t earned. — Sam Hall
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: We’re going to learn division today: critical race theory.
A Request for Help
Our longtime friend of the Libertarian Enterprise has been released from jail after selling his car to post bond. He would prefer to retain a lawyer rather than depend on the tender mercies of a public defender. He has identified a lawyer he would like to retain, who wants $5,000 as an initial retainer. Costs are estimated as follows:
$5,000 for basic discovery, pleading, etc.
3,000 for motions, including to suppress evidence
5,000 for trial should any charges proceed to trial
Our friend maintains his innocence with respect to the charges, and while the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer, with whom one is able to communicate in confidentiality. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page, and our friend, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.
Donations will show up as “Rule of Law,” and will be directed to an account in Cathy’s name which will then be provided to the chosen counsel.
Thank you
Yours in Liberty,
Rylla and Cathy Smith
Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor, from Albert Perez, Wayne Grantham, Jim Woolsey
2. Morning In Amerika, by L. Neil Smith
3. Rapists, Slavers, Mass-Murderers: Welcome to the Family, by Alan Bickley
4. National Divorce, a Review, by Rob Gillespie
5. Some Thoughts for Thinking, by Ken Holder