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Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises

Journalism Before vs. Now

H/T Tom X. Donnet — Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 5:56 AM MST

Joe Biden in July, 1985 — “I have never believed . . . .”

H/T Lily Gonzalez — Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 7:11 AM MST


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    7. Stupor Bowl Sundae Feetball Shoot — Facebook page / Spreely page
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Random Shots for Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Today in history


  1. Posted to somewhere —

    One question to ask on a continual basis until the death tax is wiped from the books forever —

    Why is it that the Kennedy family politicians keep supporting the death tax?

    Won’t they get soaked a good bit when Dear Ol’ Teddy finally kicks off?

    If not, why not?


  1. E3 2009: Project Natal Milo demo [YouTube] from Andru Edwards
  2. Heritage VideoNeb. State Treasurer Shane Osborn In the Green Room [YouTube]
  3. WNDBeware of ‘Absolut’ libertarian lunacy by Ilana Mercer

Don’t Ask Why I Need an AR-15, Ask Why Cops Need AFVs

H/T Libertarian Party of Kentucky — Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 12:17 PM MST

“But wait, there’s more!” as the televised pitchmen say.

Those same hoplophobe and victim disarmers who demand that you surrender your AR-15- and your AK-47-style rifles so that they can have their momentary “warm fuzzy” that they “got something done” and “made a difference” — their sock puppets in the New York State Legislature want New Yorkers that aren’t Political Classholes or in the service of same to surrender any privately-owned body armor in their possession:

Reason: New York’s Body Armor Ban May Be Stupidest Gun Legislation Yet


H/T Тим ВилMonday, September 7, 2020 at 6:56 PM MST

Heemeyer Muffler Repair
Poster’s location not shared ⋅ June 4, 2019

June 4th, 2019 marks the 15th anniversary of the Killdozer’s rampage through Granby, Colorado.

Sit down kids, and let me tell you a tale. A tale about a reasonable man driven to do unreasonable things.

Marvin Heemeyer was a man who owned a muffler shop in Granby, Colorado. The city council ordained to approve the construction of a concrete factory in the lot across from Marvin’s shop. In the process, this blocked the only access road to the muffler shop. Marvin petitioned to stop the construction to no avail. He petitioned to construct a new access road, and even bought the heavy machinery to do so himself. Denied.

The concrete factory went up in disregard to the ramifications on Marvin’s business. To add insult to injury, the factory construction disconnected the muffler shop from the city sewage lines. An indifferent city government then chose to fine Marvin for this.

His business and livelihood were in ruin. Rather than lie down and die, Marvin chose to fight back. Over the course of a year and a half, Marvin secretly outfitted the bulldozer he bought to save his business with 3-foot thick steel and concrete armor, camera systems, and enclosed bulletproof glass.

On June 4th, 2004 Marvin Heemeyer lowered the armored shell over top of himself, entombing himself inside the Killdozer to make his last stand.

He burst forth from the walls of his muffler shop and straight into the concrete factory that ruined his business. Over the course of the next several hours, Marvin drove his Killdozer through 13 buildings owned by those officials that had wronged him, including the city council building itself.

SWAT teams swarmed the dozer, but it proved immune to small arms fire and even explosives. Another piece of heavy machinery was even brought out to fight the Killdozer, but it too fell to the dozers righteous fury.

In the end, Marvin’s Killdozer became trapped in one of the buildings it was built to destroy. Marvin chose to take his life, the only life he took that day.

Today, we celebrate Killdozer Day and Marvin Heemeyer, the last great American folk hero. A man driven to the brink who chose to fight back against an indifferent system.

From notes left behind after his passing:

“I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.”



  1. Approximate reading level — 10.7

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

The State Doesn’t Care About You

Libertarian Party of Idaho
Monday, May 16, 2022 at 9:20 AM MST

Reminder Monday; the state doesn’t care about you. They simply demand your compliance.

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Ironic that Democrats hate the only thing produced by socialism that actually works

H/T Libertarian Party of Jefferson County [Colorado] at Friday, May 6, 2022 at 9:29 AM MST [via Libertarian Party USA (Unofficial) Facebook group]


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    4. Discordian Absurdist Party of New Mexico — Facebook page / Spreely page
    5. Egg McMuffin for President — Facebook page
    6. KCUF Media — Facebook / Spreely / WordPress
    7. Libertarian Second Amendment Caucus — Facebook page / Spreely page
    8. New Mexico Dissent and Expose — Facebook page / Spreely page
    9. New Mexico Libertarians — Facebook group / Facebook page / Minds group / Spreely group / Spreely page / Wimkin group / Wimkin page
    10. “No One Wants to Take Your Guns” — Facebook page / Wimkin page
    11. Resist Marxism New Mexico — Facebook page
    12. Stupor Bowl Sundae Feetball Shoot — Facebook page / Spreely page
    13. The Old Drunken Old Irrvelivents — Facebook page / Spreely page
    14. The Weekly SeditionDiaspora* / Facebook / Gab / Gettr / gorf.pub / Minds / Spreely / Twitter / Wimkin / WordPress
    15. Vote Dumpster Fire — Facebook page
    16. Vote the Air — Facebook page
    17. Vote the Air NM — Facebook page
    18. Wood Chipper — Facebook page

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

19 April — ATF is America’s Schutzstaffel

H/T GhostGuns.comSaturday, April 16, 2022 at 6:28 PM MST

Naturally, we can’t forget Mike McNulty’s Waco: The Rules of Engagement[1]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT5Gx6eaRA]

— and McNulty’s follow-up film, Waco: A New Revelation[2]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APHzw9LThNI]

Today we remember that on Monday, 19 April 1993, the Clinton Administration was so concerned about child welfare that they were willing to kill 27 kids by asphyxiation, incineration, and automatic-weapons fire to get at three adults accused of tax and paperwork violations.


  1. Waco: The Rules of EngagementBing, DuckDuckGo, Google, IMDb, Infogalactic, Presearch, Searx, Startpage, Wikipedia
  2. Waco: A New RevelationBing, DuckDuckGo, Google, IMDb, Infogalactic, Presearch, Searx, Startpage


  1. Published at The Libertarian Enterprise [TLE]Number 1,153: Sunday, 24 April 2022 (as “April 19”)

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Solar and Wind Power vs Nuclear Power

H/T Larry Sharpe — Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 11:27 PM MST

See also Nuclear No-Contest[1], by James P. Hogan[2]


  1. At lewrockwell.com [LRC] — http://lewrockwell.com/orig9/hogan3.1.1.html
  2. James P. Hogan — Infogalactic, Wikipedia (jamesphogan.com seems to have gone away.)

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Rod Serling on Liberty (1961)

The Twilight Zone
Friday, April 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM MST

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”
— Rod Serling (June 2, 1961)


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    2. Absurdist Discordian Party of New Mexico — Facebook page / Spreely page / Wimkin page
    3. Albuquerque Liberty Forum — Facebook page / Spreely page
    4. Bubonicon Puppies — Facebook page
    5. Discordian Absurdist Party of New Mexico — Facebook page / Spreely page
    6. Egg McMuffin for President — Facebook page
    7. Extropy UnboundFacebook / Spreely / Wimkin / WordPress
    8. KCUF Media — Facebook / Spreely / WordPress
    9. New Mexico Dissent and Expose — Facebook page / Spreely page
    10. New Mexico Libertarians — Facebook group / Facebook page / Minds group / Spreely group / Spreely page / Wimkin group / Wimkin page
    11. Resist Marxism New Mexico — Facebook page
    12. Split the State New Mexico — Facebook page / Spreely page
    13. The Old Drunken Old Irrvelivents — Facebook page / Spreely page
    14. The Weekly SeditionDiaspora* / Facebook / Gab / Gettr / gorf.pub / gorf.space / Minds / Spreely / Twitter / Wimkin / WordPress
    15. Vote Dumpster Fire — Facebook page
    16. Vote the Air — Facebook page
    17. Wood Chipper — Facebook page

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