More “gun violence” at an Albuquerque mall on Thursday, 31 March 2022, as reported by the Albuquerque Journal, and reposted by the Journal to Facebook[1] —
Five teens accused of beating at Coronado Center, by Matthew Reisen, Journal Staff Writer by Matthew Reisen, Journal Staff Writer
At least this time, no one seems to have been injured or killed as a result of shots fired.
Meanwhile, there have been several firearm-related homicides (involving shots fired at the victims) at other locations around Albuquerque — in the Downtown area, for example.
“Rbj Benjamin” posted a comment —
Where’s our concealed carriers when you need them?
To which I replied —
Concealed carry is not permitted on the property, per Coronado Center policy.
Blame Coronado for this one with their “No weapons allowed on site” policy, not concealed-carriers for their “failure” to be first responders to this incident.
And then there’s my follow-up comment —
So when Ross and Morales were allegedly pistol-whipping the Fuddruckers employees, should that be considered “gun violence” (firearm(s) were involved) or “blunt-object violence” (no shots were fired at that time) ?
ONCE AGAIN, we see just how “effective” this sort of “No weapons allowed” policy is (it is NOT effective, for those too dense to understand sarcasm) in stopping firearm-related crime.
As for the “gun free” status of Coronado (and Winrock, Cottonwood, etc.), if someone is injured or killed by a criminal there, and that injury or death could have been prevented had the victim been armed, I hope the victim or their survivor(s) sue the property owners into non-existence.
Something not yet brought up: Ross and Morales are both under the age of 21. This means their mere possession of handguns was a federal offense. ANOTHER failure of the victim disarmament statutes.
Apparently, I made a mistake — per 18 U.S.C. § 922(x)(2)[2], Ross was legal in possessing a handgun.
Still, Ross’ alleged pistol-whipping of the Fuddruckers staff was definitely NOT legal, and would probably constitute battery, if not aggravated battery —
30-3-4. Battery.
Battery is the unlawful, intentional touching or application of force to the person of another, when done in a rude, insolent or angry manner.
Whoever commits battery is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
30-3-5. Aggravated battery.
- Aggravated battery consists of the unlawful touching or application of force to the person of another with intent to injure that person or another.
- Whoever commits aggravated battery, inflicting an injury to the person which is not likely to cause death or great bodily harm, but does cause painful temporary disfigurement or temporary loss or impairment of the functions of any member or organ of the body, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
- Whoever commits aggravated battery inflicting great bodily harm or does so with a deadly weapon or does so in any manner whereby great bodily harm or death can be inflicted is guilty of a third degree felony.
What’s the takeaway here?
The lessons to be learned from this incident are as follows:
FIRST, victim disarmament edicts, whether they are in the form of public-sector statutes and regulations, or a private-sector “NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” policy, don’t do much of anything to deter violent criminals from committing crimes.
If anything, they do the exact opposite — they make it easier for the criminals to victimize others.
Think of them as a sort of “workplace safety” code for the bad guys, making what are supposed to be “safe spaces” for shoppers and tourists into a happy hunting ground for the crooks.
As the saying goes, “When seconds count, the cops are minutes away.”
But . . . but . . . what about the “NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” sign? Surely, those intent on committing assault, battery, robbery, burglary, and possibly murder will see that sign, and then leave their guns in the car, right?
Well, you see, the criminal element always seems to find that massive loophole in all of the various victim-disarmament schemes called “breaking the law.”
If they’re willing to kill you over pocket change, what makes you think that they’re going to obey your hoplophobic prohibitionary edicts?
As the saying goes, “When seconds count, the cops are minutes away.”
And the reality of it all is this: You are your own best defender. Sure, you can contract the task out to someone else, but that person wants to go home to their family, too. That person will put their own personal safety above yours, if it comes down to it.
- Albuquerque Journal — Five teens accused of beating at Coronado Center, by Matthew Reisen, Journal Staff Writer by Matthew Reisen, Journal Staff Writer
Published: Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 10:05 PM, Updated: Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 at 12:05 AM
Facebook — Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 7:31 AM MST
Retrieved Friday, 1 April 2022 and Monday, 4 April 2022
- H/T United States Concealed Carry Association [USCCA] — Federal Minimum Age to Purchase and Possess Handguns. Retrieved Monday, 4 April 2022
- Published at The Libertarian Enterprise [TLE] — Number 1,151: Sunday, 10 April 2022
- Approximate reading level — 12.9
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H/T Michael Anderson — “Libertarianism At Nïght” Facebook Group at Friday, April 1, 2022 at 10:00 PM MST
The only “problem” with this meme is that the rifle held by Jesus (the FN SCAR) will set you back ∅3,000, while a decent AR-15 / M4-pattern rifle can be purchased for under ∅1,000 MSRP.
Which leaves you free to spend that other ∅2,000 on ammo and training.
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H/T Gus A. Fahrendorf — Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 10:57 AM MST
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The snow started off as heavy rain with a little bit of lightning around 11 PM local time (MST), and then turned to snow after midnight.
It looks like we will be getting about 1-2 inches tonight.

Copyright © 2022 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
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H/T Jeffrey Jarvis — Monday, March 14, 2022
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2345: A Letter from the Future
by Brandon Goldentree
Published by 22 Lions
Needs more of a story
2 out of 5 stars
This book could work as a science fiction story with a bit more world-building and some more details, and less stream of consciousness.
Was it intended to be a sort of warning for present-day readers (2022) ? If so, what sort of action is the author proposing to prevent the predicted bad state of affairs?
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A few days ago, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty [RFE / RL] re-posted a video clip (“Ukrainian Tractors Versus Russian Armor”) on Facebook and YouTube —
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMtP7OipYJg]
So when the hoplophobes and victim disarmers start screeching “u think you should be able 2 own a TANK?!?!?!!!!!!” because you support civilian ownership and carriage of handguns and military-pattern rifles, you can simply point to those Ukrainian farmers making off with abandoned Russian tanks, BMPs, and trucks.
Never mind that in the controlling precedent from American case law that “supports” their “argument,” United States v. Miller, Justice James McReynolds said that the National Firearms Act of 1934 was “Constitutional” because the sawed-off shotgun possessed by Miller didn’t qualify as a “militia weapon” protected by the Second Amendment because it didn’t have “military utility.”
Never mind that the sawed-off shotgun could be said to have “military utility” as it was in military usage by American and ANZAC troops in World War I in the Western Front trenches. Or that many military and law-enforcement agencies have been using short-barrelled shotguns as breaching and entry weapons for close-quarter-battle stuff for the past few decades.
Never mind that the AR-15-pattern and M4-pattern rifles that the hoplophobes and victim disarmers demand that you turn in for pennies on the FRN because they’re “weapons of war” are almost functionally identical to the M-16 / M-4-type rifles used by the U.S. Armed Forces should also be protected by the Second Amendment as per U.S. v. Miller.
Never mind that in the same conflict that spawned the above-embedded video clip, the Zelenskyy Administration is handing out not only AK-pattern rifles and handguns (basically the same sort of rifles and pistols that the above-mentioned hoplophobes and victim disarmers want to take away from you) but also belt-fed machine guns and anti-tank rocket launchers to anyone who can carry them and is willing to use them to shoot at Russian troops.
Side note: I have one simple question for the hoplophobes and victim disarmers who are so bravely cheering on the Ukrainian civilian resistance, yet are so insistent that American civilians voluntarily disarm:
Why is OK for the Ukrainians to carry rifles, pistols, belt-fed machine guns and anti-tank rocket launchers, yet you have all sorts of problems with my owning or carrying my 9mm pistol here in the States?
Actually, I suspect that there are several reasons:
- The Ukies are OVER THERE — several thousand miles away, out of sight and mind, with plenty of terrain features, the curvature of the Earth, etc., between them and the local Starbucks, where I, on the other hand, could be right outside that same Starbucks. No chance of them being “triggered” by the sight of armed Ukies.
- The Ukrainians are shooting at Russians, who are operating under the aegis of the 21st century Hitler, Vlad Putin. Trump isn’t a ready target for their ragefest, so they have to make do with Putin for the time being.
And it seems, contrary to what the First Drooling Child-Sniffer said in 2020, American private citizens DID own not only cannon but also warships in the 18th and 19th centuries[1].
The power of the sword, say the minority …, is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans.
— Tench Coxe, Letter to the Pennsylvania Gazette, 20 February 1788
Still, if you DO decide to get yourself any sort of tracked armored vehicle, have fun changing track segments and road wheels.
- American Institute for Economic Research [AIER] — Private Cannon Ownership in Early America by Robert E. Wright. Retrieved Saturday, 19 March 2022.The Washington Post — Fact Checker ⋅ Analysis: Biden’s false claim that the 2nd Amendment bans cannon ownership by Glenn Kessler. Retrieved Saturday, 19 March 2022.
PolitiFact — Joe Biden’s dubious claim about Revolutionary War cannon ownership by Louis Jacobson. Retrieved Saturday, 19 March 2022.
- Published at The Libertarian Enterprise [TLE] — #1,148: Sunday, 20 March 2022 [Facebook page]
- Approximate reading level — 13.7
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H/T The Federalist Papers — Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 6:32 PM MST
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Reiterating the title of this post:
THIS is why I own and carry weapons wherever I can.
I’m 51 years old. I’m too old and fat to do a strip-tease for some death camp guard in order to snatch his / her / xis / xer / zis / zer sidearm away.
I’d rather have the option, at least, of taking out a bad guy with me as part of my going out of this plane of existence
Hertfordshire Friends of Israel
Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 4:00 AM ⋅
Arriving at Auschwitz in 1943, Polish-Jewish ballet dancer Franceska Mann was ordered to disrobe for the crematorium.
She took off her clothes provocatively to distract the Nazi guard, then snatched the roll-call officer’s pistol & shot him dead.
She fired a second shot that wounded an SS sergeant. Other prisoners began a riot that was broken up when the guards opened fire with machine guns. Mann died on the spot.
But she stood up to evil and went down with a fight!

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Usually, we don’t get much snow in Albuquerque — once or twice a year, one or two inches per time, and that’s it./
Still, when we do, it tends to shut down the city for about 12 hours.
This winter (first half of 2022), we have had THREE (3) such “blizzards” in two months.
This one started at about midnight, and ended at around 2-3 AM.

Even so, the snow of this instance was already starting to melt away by 4 AM.
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