Today in history
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OK, how is David Clements involved in this now?!
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Part of it is Frank is starting from scratch (sort of).
Part of it is Frank is trying to micro-manage things, which hardly ever goes well.
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<sarcasm> Because Biden is a Democrat and the bestest president evarrrr!!! and Trump is Orange Man Bad!!!! </sarcasm>

- PJ Media — The First Step to Ending ‘Gun Violence’ Is to Stop Calling It Gun Violence by Kevin Downey Jr.
- Dark Tech — Russia Says 16,000 mph Satan-2 Nuke is Ready [YouTube]
- Tips and Hacks — 2 Ways How to Open a Lock – Very Easy [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Armed Scholar by Anthony Miranda — Supreme Court’s Decision Backs ATF Restriction & Tyranny Into A Corner! ! ! [YouTube]
- I walked 30,831 steps today.
Today in history
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I will not be able to make this meeting.
Can this be done by email poll of the board?
- Posted to Facebook here and here —
Issue 1,189 (1 8, 2023) of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,189, January 8, 2023
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: I assure you, an educated fool is more foolish than an uneducated fool. — Moliere
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying. — Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor from Albert Perez, Dennis Wilson, L. Reichard White subjects Do Words Matter; L. Reichard White’s Silly-Assed Mistake; Re: Fw: L. Reichard White’s Silly-Assed Mistake
2. A Blueprint for Ending Gun Control, by L. Neil Smith
3. Assets of Sam Bankman Fried, by Jim Davidson
4. History Rewrite: The Sin of Slavery, by Sean Gangol
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The same is true for Democrats.
What I find insane and idiotic are the people who want to give the Political Classholes more power and money even after knowing this.

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Maybe it’s at jotform.com ?
- Budo Brothers — A Look At Serrada Escrima [YouTube]
- Carpenter Brut — † Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER † Directed by Seth Ickerman † Official Video † [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Image Comics — Bomb Queen
Today in history
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Means pocketed something like 8,000 in donations from LPNM members, then gave it to Mike Castro (formerly of the NM Green Party), who was running the “Neighborhood Party,” which morphed into the “Independent Coalition Party.” Castro then converted that 8k from Federal Reserve Notes into pot and then smoked it. In 2003 Castro told me “Russell Means gave us your $8,000, so you might as well come over to us and take advantage of it.” In 2004, the State Party Secretary of the “Independent Coalition Party” basically said, “This is bullshit, Castro is a con artist, I’m out.”
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Russell Means didn’t arrive on the LPNM scene until June 2001, when Joe Knight brought him in as a gubernatorial candidate.
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June 2001 was the State Convention in Farmington, where Russell sought (and received) an early nomination to be the 2002 gubernatorial candidate.
FYI — Means croaked of throat cancer in 2007 on the Pine Ridge Reservation. This after he tried to open a liquor store on the reservation border, with the stated intent of using the profits from that liquor store to fund some sort of alcohol treatment program.
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Whatever, Meathead.

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Russell Means was supposed to be the 2002 gubernatorial candidate. When he bailed out on us for the “Neighborhood Party,” the top of the slate was empty.
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*To the best of my knowledge,* Means never appeared on a ballot in New Mexico.
I think that at one point, he ran for tribal office on the Pine Ridge Reservation, and came in fifth or sixth place.
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Speaker’s dozen?
- KOAT News — Proposed House Bill calls for speed cameras on New Mexico highways [YouTube]
- Active Self Protection [ASP] — Officer Makes Difficult 75-Foot Shot to Protect Partner | Active Self Protection [YouTube]
- Tips and Hacks — Insane Way to Open Any Lock Without a Key! Amazing Tricks with Matches, That Work Extremely Well [YouTube]
- Found And Explained — Insane Flying Wing Jet Fighter To Save Germany – Horten Ho 229 Nazi UFO [YouTube]
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — WHAT?! The 2nd Amendment Is A Curse!?! [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) — Star Trek: Enterprise
- I walked 33,164 steps today.
Today in history
- RedState — Obama’s National Sales Tax by Brian Darling
- Guns & Gadgets by Jared Yanis — MAJOR NEWS! Red Flag Law Ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL [YouTube]
- The Angry Astronaut by Jordan Wright — New WOW Signal Detected!! Breakthough Listen to study this discovery and others! [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- KRQE News — VIDEO: Rio Rancho hit again by tire slashers [YouTube]
- I walked 627 steps today.
- Had a Board meeting of the FLPNM via Zoom tonight.
Proposed Agenda (amended 30 Dec 22):
- Convene
- Roll Call
- Public Comment, 2 minutes maximum per person
- Verify waiting room is clear before proceeding
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
- Ratification of decisions of last meeting (correcting deficient notice)
- Recognition of newsletter editors
- Recognition of board members who have not paid dues
- Funding for convention:
- Venue; and lunch; requested $300
- Convention Parliamentarian (Caryn Ann Harlos)
- LP literature for convention distribution
- What literature to allow? Limit to official LP literature? Caucus literature? Clearly labeled as non-official?
- Badges
- Establish Convention Credentials Committee
- Funding for LNC party?
- Motion to Reprimand Mike Blessing (unauthorized use of name)
- Adjourn
Today in history
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Actually cut spending below last year’s levels — NO MORE of this “we’re just slowing the growth of government” stuff.
Actually balance the budget. No more deficit spending PERIOD. If that means someone’s pet project or welfare state contract doesn’t get funded, oh well, deal with it.
Stop issuing T-bills and municipal bonds, even if the budgets are balanced.
NO MORE treating gun owners as a political soccer ball, to be kicked around when it’s more convenient.
- AmmoLand Shooting Sports News — Gun Owner New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Increase Involvement and Effectiveness by David Codrea
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Reclaim The Net — New browser extension replaces Wikipedia pages in search results with Encyclosphere pages by Didi Rankovic
- Interesting Engineering [IE] — Science: Scientists produced X-ray pulses ten times more powerful than ever before by Chris Young
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal [SMBC] by by Zack Weinersmith — Oops
- trekmovie.com — Star Trek In 2023: What We’re Most Looking Forward To
- I walked 1,657 steps today.
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