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1 % at most, with no deficit spending of any kind permitted.
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Saw this one coming a mile away.
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Issue 1,188 (1 1, 2023) of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
— An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,188, January 1, 2023
THIS ISSUE’S MOTTO: You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do. — Eleanor Roosevelt
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: We cannot assume its gender; it might be trans. We cannot assume it’s rational; it might be woke.
0. The Editor’s Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor, from Jeff Fullerton, Dennis Wilson
2. An Application for Employment, by L. Neil Smith
3. The Biden Administration Is Banning Low-Cost Appliances — and Bragging about It, by Patrick Carroll
4. The Sociobiology of Liberty: The BIG PICTURE, by L. Reichard White
5. Racism in America, by Charles Curley
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Seeing these meltdowns over Karen, I am almost ready to nominate Kaelan Dreyer for State Chair in March.
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I swear, it’s like I don’t have to drink to excess or use drugs to make the room spin. I can just read posts by Frank or Gurry.
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Remember, it took Caryn Ann TWO YEARS (January 2019) to realize Bill Weld was a lying, backstabbing sack of shit, when we knew it before August 2016.
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I saw Tyler’s post on the Mises Caucus Slack. Jeez, what are these people thinking?!
I’m wondering if Burlie has already got his hooks and fangs into Frank.
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I’m wondering if he’s going to try this nonsense with Dereck. After all, Dereck is a recent convert from the GOP. I’ve been in the LP for 29 years now and look how Frank went after me.
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Frank is doing a pretty good job of blowing it up all by himself.
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Karen Bedonie or Caryn Ann?
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I’ll tell Caryn Ann face to face when she comes to ABQ in March, just for her reaction.
Or does she not get sarcasm?
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When all of this is over, Caryn Ann gets on a plane and goes back to Denver. We’re the ones still here dealing with this mess.
Caryn Ann has visited NM for a few weekends over the last six years. I’ve been living, working, etc. in this rat-trap state for 28 years, been in and around the LPNM for almost as long.
Maybe I know a bit more than she does?
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You, too, probably know a bit more than her.
So when she comes down here to bloviate about how we need to operate, she better not step on our toes or I just might tell her to stop behaving like Luchini
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Please welcome Man Shi Brunk Up to the group!
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I’ve also been through the takeover to which Betsy referred to above.
I find it interesting how some here want to welcome one of the ringleaders of that takeover (Burly Cain), who’s been involved with Luchini since 2017, yet shit themselves over Karen Bedonie.
I was also one of those (along with Tyler Askins) who sat and chatted with Karen Bedonie for about an hour at the Boxing Bear on Tuesday, 18 October 2022. None of her detractors (here, or in my NM Libertarians FB group) showed up when they had the opportunity.
(Frank, you were there, but you left the table and the Boxing Bear before Karen and Efren arrived.)
- Luxon Bushcraft — Dugout Shelter Build With Hand Tools – FROM START TO FINISH [YouTube]
- Heroes & Icons (H&I) —
- GateWorld — Where Was Destiny Going? The Sudden END of Stargate Universe (Dial the Gate) [YouTube]
- I walked 35,188 steps today.